Cozy cat Sam and mommy cat Mittens now have a litter of three cozy cat kittens. The kittens are in and out of trouble most of the time and they are so full of energy. Sam soon learns that his days of taking cat naps are over and he has his paws full trying to keep them in line. Will cozy cat Sam be able to keep up with his litter of curious kittens?
Only 99 cents. Available on Smashwords and most E-book venues.
Cozy Cat Sam and His Feline Family
Such a great story. My grand kids really liked it.
Cozy Cat Sam and His Feline Family
This is such a cute story. I read it over and over to my son. It is now one of his favorite bedtime stories.
Cozy cat sam and his feline family
My kids will like this book. Will check it out.