On a difficult day at school, or when trying to balance school, work and home, you may find that the decision to drop out of school may appear to be the right thing to do. But the truth is, staying in school often makes more sense. Fear of failing, being intimidated by the system, or thinking that education really wouldn’t make a difference to your life chances are thoughts that often lead to young people dropping out of school.
Preventing Dropout and Overcoming School Failure: 30 Ways for Older Teens and Young Adults to Achieve Academic Success points to some of the difficulties, real or imagined, that students have with school, and shows ways of overcoming these difficulties. Apart from encouraging students to develop confidence in themselves through discovering their intelligences, this book provides various opportunities that students can choose to restart their education, even if they have already dropped out of school.
Preventing Dropout and Overcoming School Failure: 30 Ways for Older Teens and Young Adults to Achieve Academic Success encourages students to more confidently improve themselves in preparation for the world of work or for pursuing even higher education. Some of the issues dealt with in this book include being your best, dealing with self-doubt, intimidation and self sabotage; examining various educational options; thinking of important life skills; and matching careers and the job market.
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