A Surprise Gift

TJ Cat and the Superheroes

A SURPRISE GIFT: TJ CAT AND THE SUPERHEROES is the third book in the series, TJ Cat and the Superheroes. In this story, TJ Cat and the superheroes are beginning to read and are taking an interest in community news.

When TJ Cat and Una Unicorn saw the news about other little animals in need, they shared it with their other classmates in the Superhero Club and they decided to help.
This book teaches young children to empathize, to develop emotional intelligence, and to cooperate in showing kindness to those in need. It also encourages young children to read.

Young animals and superheroes are fascinating to young children and so captures their attention. Young children would want to read about the characters in this series and will come to know them all.

Author's Notes

This is book 3 of the series, TJ CAT and the Superheroes.
Having worked with children, youths and young adults, I have found that positive values which are promoted from very early ages remain into adulthood.  some of the ideas and themes in the books for the young people are presented in terms that children would understand.  For example, the development of emotional intelligence is something that is good for all ages, including adults.

This book is children's fiction.
Animals and superheroes.
Action and Adventure.
Adults are encouraged to read to their children even before the children. can read.
Foster the love of reading in young children.  These books are fully illustrated.
And the children will come to love these characters.

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Genre: Fiction > Children

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