Interview with January Bain

January Bain, author and novelist from Canada. January is a high school Computer and Business courses teacher, a monthly contributor at The Writers Vineyard, and has a keen interest in hard sci-fi and writes a blog a few times a week about writing time travel novels and future world fiction, she is also the author of Forever Man. In this brief interview, January Bain shares her personal experiences and insights about promoting her books and novels. 
What is your talent?
I’m a storyteller. A spinner of tales. My stories encompass a number of genres: science fiction, paranormal, romance, fantasy and horror.
What were the difficulties you faced in promoting your talent?
Promoting your book is a daunting task. To become known in the cyber world takes time and commitment. A Blog tour arranged by a company that makes that their main business is helpful. Not to mention being active on social networks like twitter, facebook, goodreads, etc. Humanmade is also a good place for positive interactions.
What are the main methods and approaches you follow to spread the word about your works?
First, get a great publisher. I am blessed to have Champagne Books contract for my works and that support is priceless. Without a good, well-edited book to promote you have nothing. Social networking is the next bastion of importance for promotion. And then word-of-mouth.
Do you have a certain routine you follow?
Most definitely. Write every morning from five till seven.
To what extent you feel you were successful?
I’m still in the working to be successful stage having just had my first work, Forever Man published in July, with Forever Woman being published October 1, 2012 and Forever Clan on January 1, 2013.
What are your recommendations for people who share the same talent with you?
Write, write, and write. Then edit till it says exactly what you want it to say. And write it differently than others have. It does takes 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration like others have said in days past.
Any final words regarding promotion for talents?
Unless you were born under a lucky star expect that it takes time. Time to create, time to edit, time to promote. And be kind to yourself. The journey of creating is the thing, not the arrival. would like to thank January Bain for taking the time to share with us these valuable information and insights and experience in promoting her writings. 


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