Treatise Upon The Misconceptions of Narcissism

This treatise on the misconceptions of narcissism deals with the emotional side of the human being, rather than the intellectual. Heart over mind.

The author focused on demonstrating several scenarios of narcissistic behaviours in our societies, or in our daily lives. It is without doubt that, we often come in contact with the people who have been the victims of narcissists. That is to say, narcissism come in different forms and shapes. We can be met with narcissistic behaviours in our parents, relationships, marriages, leaders, schools, societies and even in ourselves. It is much easier for human beings to always find faults in others, rather than to examine and correct our own mistakes. Thus, this treatise is a guide to find out the methods that you can apply to escape and protect yourself against any narcissist you come across with. The author has presented us with the most useful insights on how to identify and understand narcissism in general; no matter which environment you found yourself in.

It is the kind of a book that you need to carry around with you wherever you go. Therefore, you must allow it to become your compass and guide you through the darkest journeys.

Author's Notes

'Treatise Upon The Misconceptions of Narcissism' is a small book in size, but it is composed of concrete ideas that are applicable in our daily lives. Quality over quantity. It is a little leaflet that examined, in great details, the current situation we are faced with in our generation. Or, the past generations and those to come.  

I decided to write this treatise because I wanted to clear most of the misconceptions, or misunderstandings that are going around us daily. This decision was made after hearing on both sides, between men and women. Then I realised that it is a serious issue that cannot be avoided nor neglected as something useless. Thus, forcing myself to come up with the conclusion of what I believe narcissism truly means in general terms.

Here is a famous quote from the book itself: "The ‘I’ is the ego that we must avoid at any cost, if we truly wish to be different from narcissists. Instead of using ‘I’ repeatedly, it would be wise to replace it with ‘we’ ".

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Genre: Non Fiction > Self help

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ISBN: 9798671118520

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