You will find out about human supernatural abilities (Siddhis) in this book, will get the detailed description of types of siddhis could be, which supernatural powers manage human chakras. What is the third eye and the third eye meaning – Ajna chakra. What hidden third eye powers could be, and how to use your third eye in common life. For awakening of the third eye, development of intuition, clairvoyance you will get the simple exercise – a daily meditation on the secret magical symbol. You will learn to quickly collect the ATTENTION and ENERGY in Ajna chakra that will help step by step opening of the third eye. Pituitary and pineal gland – two ultimate mystic organs in our body. When being awaked you move towards quite another level of consciousness and living: this is "knowledge without information"; wisdom, harmony, and balance; perfect intuition and clairvoyance; consciousness extension to eternity; the continuous state of consciousness; gates between human and divine consciousness. With this exercise, you will learn how to open the third eye & how to activate the pituitary and pineal gland. (SALE) VIP-Version Of The Course "Practices"
Siddhis And Supernatural Abilities, Simple Exercise To Activate Your Pineal Gland, Awaken Third Eye Chakra And Develop Intuition (Third Eye Activation, Free Bonuses)