Succumbed to the past’s Flame, the Only Way Nithya Can Be Saved from Her Ex Is by Her Husband 

Mukesh is captivated by Nithya's dazzling beauty and manners when his mother introduces him to his bride-to-be. The seemingly successful arranged marriage turned out to be happy only on the husband’s part.

One day, Nithya informs Mukesh about how she was blackmailed into embracing the role of his wife and how she despises Mukesh and her parents.

Meanwhile, Giridhar, a former flame of Nithya's, reappears suddenly in her life. Nithya is first apprehensive of her ex, but as she falls more apart from her husband and parents, she finds herself opening out to him.

Giridhar persuades her to go on vacation with him, but things quickly spiral out of control. When she awakens in the dark of night, imprisoned within a lodge alone, to a weird disturbance at the door, she realizes she shouldn't have trusted Giridhar so blindly.

Nithya contacts Mukesh in despair since she has no one else to turn to, but will he be willing to assist her despite his wrath and wounded pride? Can they put the past behind them and free her from the danger she faces?

The Heart of Gold is a suspenseful romantic thriller that delves into time-honored customs, modern Indian city life's changing culture, and the new, fast-paced global lifestyle.

Get ready to read this captivating novel in one breath…

Author's Notes

The fact that the teenage girls are very unruly and do not care to listen to good advice from their parents is the theme of the book.

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Genre: Fiction > Romance

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ISBN: 9781980278016

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