The Butterfly Tree & other stories

This book contains 5 tales from the strange and dangerous world of Nirunen.

Whether or not you've discovered The Kaerling series, this book is the perfect companion to read either before, during or after your explorations of The Kaerling.

Discover how mermaids are born in The Ninth Wave. Experience the frustration of a disabled young man in Eran. Enjoy the double-edged blade of knowledge when Venisha discovers her trust destiny in The Butterfly Tree. Open your eyes to the enchanted land of Zorat in Wordless Song. And walk the dark paths along side the child-refugees in Silver Thread.

If you enjoy reading about unicorns, mermaids, monsters and butterflies and like a bit of magic thrown into the mix, this is for you!

Author's Notes

These 5 tales come from three different Ages in the world of Nirunen. I wanted to show the great hero, Eran Silver Hand, as he was before he became a hero. I wanted to give my readers an insight into Lored and the land of Zorat in Wordless Song. And I wanted, above all, to give three oppressed women the ability to become truly feminine and free, without using their sexuality to get ahead of the game.

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Genre: Fiction > Short Stories

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