The sculptor's wife

Comic book (Humor) & Historical facts about women in ancient Egypt (Babackey (Sculptor from ancient Egypt))

The sculptor Babackey from ancient Egypt works wonders in the art of sculpture, but his wife objects to his constant preoccupation with his work, and the endless noise, and despite this, she sometimes wants to learn the art of sculpture out of curiosity, and to know why this art attracts her husband and occupies all his time, but she does not have the talent , which raises a lot of problems.

Can you imagine yourself live in a sculptor house, and all day you hear, “Tic, Tac, Ding, Dong”, and the statues and stones every where ?.. that is the life of the poor wife of Babackey, the sculptor, but... wait a minute! she is not poor, she is very strong woman, and you’ll see in this book how she managing her house, and how she deals with her husband and his obsession with sculpture.

In this book you will read :
- Comic stories about Babackey, the sculptor, and his wife, Titi (Humor).
- Historical facts about women in ancient Egypt (With funny illustrations).

Author's Notes

In this series of comics, you read the adventures of the sculptor, Babackey, and you know that sculpture was an essential element in ancient Egypt, and many sculptures reach the point of miraculous, and that is why I created the character of this amazing sculptor, he was sculpting everything quickly and accurately, and he has a wife who also wants to To practice sculpting sometimes, and his sworn enemy is the high priest, who constantly demands that he sculpt a statue of himself, While the pharaoh does not stop building temples and palaces and demands the sculptor to sculpt statues, how does Babackey deal with his wife, the high priest, the pharaoh, and daily life in ancient Egypt, you will find this in this series, through many pages of comics, and information about ancient Egypt. 
In this series, I did not commit to a specific time, but rather I try to cover most of the historical periods of ancient Egypt, including periods of renaissance and periods of decline.

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Genre: Fiction > Children

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