My Hero

Every day we experience life in different facets. These experiences, our interpretation of them and their impact on our lives are responsible for our placement and position in life. In as much as events affect our lives, we decide who we become by them. We decide what our future will be like by the decisions we take today and our reactions to life occurrences. Most people become who they are because of the kind of condition they find themselves, this has disposed them into believing that situations are to be blamed for the kind of person they turn out to be, but it is delusion. Life is all about choices. Although events and happenings may put us in one condition or the other, yet it is our choice to either keep staying in that condition or decide to do something about it. Man is always left with a choice to either become a hero or a coward. No man exists who has not once in his own person, become to some amount, a coward. That you were once a coward doesn’t make any meaning to me. What matters to me is how you utilize the next opportunity to exhibit bravery. Fear breeds cowardice, and cowardice compels bravery. There is no ignominy in fear, but understand this – the coward is controlled by fear, while the hero rides it like a wild stallion. Heroism does not always live on the battle field. Heroes are people who face down their fears. 

I see not any road without obstacles which a man can walk. Whatever indignations that have occurred to men may come upon a man again. The heroic soul will always find calamity to test his edge. Let your will defy your fears. Let your just duty to your fellow human know no unjust compromise. Let your urge to serve mankind surpass your urge to amass wealth. The glory of the heroic lies not in the achievement, but in the sacrifice. Ogwo David Emenike said: “The man I can boldly call My Hero is the man who has fought a little longer than others to minimize evil, hatred, segregation, envy, jealousy, discrimination, lies and greediness in mankind’s traits; the man who cannot trade morality and nobleness; the man who perceives virtue to be enough; the man whose actions are based on principles that interest man and nature; the man of selfless courage; the man who can face down his fears; the man whose generosity is for service and not for show. Namaste to such a man!”

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Genre: Non Fiction > Personal Development

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