Protagonist, Mary Lynn Sharp, aka Mollie, of Mollie's Follies is traveling the USA alone. She's on the run after a bitter childhood and family abandonment, motoring from coast-to-coast and back again, repeatedly returning to Phoenix, Arizona. Mollie is dealing with difficult biological family members who've tracked her down in various locations. Mollie is a head-turning kind of gorgeous. She's tall. She's thin. Both her facial cheeks have dimples the size of nickles. And through-out her highway ramblings she's facing huge roadblocks. AA Meetings, automobile accidents, lost love, serial marriage, serious surgeries, and suicide attempts create a dysfunctional existence, driving pretty Mollie to her knees in prayer. What happens next will surprise even the most avid reader.
Author's Notes
Bonnie Mill Lemke fictionalizes real-life events, locations, people, relationships, and scenes. This author doesn't use outlines. She gets ideas from life experiences and forms stories from them. Businesses, characters, cities, and physical appearances are all developed from imaginary creations.