Nineteen year old Alex Turner loves food in fact she has made a successful business out of blogging about it.
During her first visit to Paris to blog about the cuisine, she discovers a key in her omelette au fromage.
This is upsetting to say the least and the cafe will defiantly not go on her blog!
While doing the typical touristy thing of site seeing and shopping she suspects she is being followed. She escapes her pursuers with the help of a Cataphile, Celeste Marchal, who leads her into the catacombs under the city of light. There she is introduced to Josh a cute financier, or so he says and fellow Cataphile. Romance buds between Josh and Alex, but is marred by the murder of a friend who warns her to trust no one.
Discovering the true purpose of key is worth killing for Alex is thrown into an unexpected adventure as she follows clues which lead to a secretive group, Brotherhood of Luxor. She must solve mystery of the key before she becomes the next victim.