The Last Casebook of Doctor Sababa

Couldn’t stay away, could you? The characters and drama that seduced you in the first two books left a craving—and more Sababa is the cure.

Inside these pages live the final seven original stories of survival, suspense, and satire from the Sage of the Salish Sea— the most special season of a seasoned specialist. He will amuse you with his wit and wisdom, and the spontaneous combustion and thrust they generate, often mixed in unequal proportions, as he dances with the devil in the pale moonlight.

BC Bud is back on the radio, and the professor is back on point. Before there was artificial intelligence, the Good Doctor was the real thing, working in the mysterious old ways of a masterless samurai. But there comes an ill wind.

Trouble, oh we got trouble... right here in Harbour City... with a capital ‘T’... and that rhymes with C and that stands for ‘Cool.’ Welcome to the winter of his Casebook and the unmaking of the man. Welcome back to Sababaland.

Author's Notes

This is the final book in the Doctor Sababa series, a fictional saga of a meteoric Internal Medicine career in a small city on Vancouver Island. Filled with suspense and the challenges of dealing with suits and snowflakes and charlatans and saboteurs, in an age before intelligence was artificial, the Good Doctor dances with the devil in the pale moonlight,

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Genre: Fiction > Literature

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ISBN: 978-1988429588


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