Decaf Mushrooms

Decaf Mushrooms is Robert Arnott's hand-picked selection of quirky short fiction. Its 20.5 stories are interspersed with 184 maxims or aphorisms, in alphabetical order, to help you with almost every aspect of life philosophy.

The anthology contains episodes of both chilling poignancy and silly nonsense. You will be amused and shocked in rough alternation. We find ourselves in urban, suburban and lakeside America, in Scottish pubs and streets and in the opulent gardens of a quiet Tuscan villa. Counterespionage, matchmaking and coffee drinking shall take place.

There are of course a couple of football matches, in Glasgow and in a parallel Dear Green Place that's simultaneously different and the same. Those of you who have struggled to digest a white pudding supper will find understanding. Those of you considering acquiring a puppy will find a warning. And the mushrooms are surprised.

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Genre: Fiction > Short Stories

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ISBN: 9781523442744


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