Before, During and After My Falklands War

An Autobiography

A grandfather who drunk alcohol from a bicycle inner tube, my father having episodes on par with Inspector Clouseau, as a teenager running riot around the streets of Ipswich,  having teachers bordering on the psychotic that gave out physical punishment at will (including a nun) and football thugs as mentors, all prepared me well for a life in the military.

I joined the Royal Marines at the age of sixteen,  earning my coveted Green Beret as a naive virgin (in many ways), all before I was legally allowed to vote and drink beer! In 40 Commando Royal Marines I had unique experiences I could have never dreamt of as a child. I was to be in the first landings and the last firefight during the Falklands War, served in Northern Ireland, Cyprus and Belize to name but a few. After leaving the Royal Marines Commandos’ I had a career in teaching for twenty three years and have included a small section on this.

Some stories are humorous, some sad and others thought provoking; I hope you enjoy!

Author's Notes

I really enjoyed my childhood, even school! I was given so much freedom to do as I wanted. I was never a child that liked to be stuck indoors, that's probably why I didn't do well academically. I would always be outside, playing football and tennis on local parks, fishing and unlike the normal cliché/fashionable thing to say, I wasn't rubbish at all sports, I was good!!! I was, and to some degree still am, a shy person. This introvert persona changed to some degree after several years in a Commando Unit following my initial training at The Commando Training Centre Royal Marines (CTCRM). During my time at university and teaching my confidence grew and with it the ability to talk to people. However a little bit of shyness still remained and I found it difficult to express my feelings verbally. With an improvement in my literacy, I gained the tools to allow me to communicate my feelings with pen and paper. Writing a book is and was such an achievement; I never thought I had it in me and I would recommend it to anyone; if I can you can!

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Genre: Non Fiction > Memoir & Biographies

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ISBN: 9798743010486

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