A Story Of The Worlds

The Birth Of A Titan
The story revolves around the lives of humans and titans and their attempt at living in peace. As a result of a great war, titans have three new rulers who freed humans from slavery and who raised a child they found in the chaos of the war only to realize it might be the most powerful of all titans. As the child grows and becomes and adult, titans cannot agree if it should be left alive or killed, while others plot to steal power from the current rulers. On Earth, as a result of being free, humans build great kingdoms and develop faster than anything witnessed by titans ever before. The strongest kingdoms in all corners of  Earth are called home by some half-humans and some creatures, some of which will help humans, some of which will endanger their lives. But now, both humans and titans realize that their entire way of life is on the brink of being destroyed by the Seven whose desire for divergence and power is unstoppable even if that means the destruction of all those who once were their loyal subjects. 
The story does not present a fight between evil and good, but it focuses on how every choice has a consequence, some of them being good or evil; it all depends on who is the one who judges them. Elena, a titan, has great power to destroy and to create, Elijah, a titan who is the heir of the Land of Ice, can use ice to his advantage and is a fearsome warrior and can use any weapon at its disposal, Mikael, a human who is an adopted son, ends up being groomed for rule by king Kasius and queen Ruwana of the kingdom he was raised in. C'ho, a blind boy in the Kingdom in the Far East, can see the danger heading toward him and his loved ones from great distances, Rikka became an orphan as a child in the Kingdom in the South and she has the ability to communicate with animals, Isodor, son of Zeus, is the Commander of the Hunter Armies in the Realms inhabited by titans, Theodor, who comes from a long line of dragon titans, is the father of the tamer of dragons. The paths of their lives will be intertwined in the wars which will bring them many surprises as they will realize that not all that they thought is as they perceived it to be. They will have to face two great wars, examine their beliefs, their relationships with their families, friends and enemies, and decide which way to go.

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Genre: Fiction > Fantasy

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