52 Weeks

52 Weeks is a book of reflection. It addresses an issue and extends the amount of time for meditation of that issue. Unlike books that present a verse a day for the year, 52 Weeks looks at a topic and gives a different selected verse regarding the topic for 7 days, 1 week. The verses come with insight and interpretation of God's Word.

52 Weeks is intended to focus God's Word in a way that one can understand what His will is regarding the topic being addressed. The format is simple and easy to follow. Each day is identified, the verse is presented and analysis follows.  I believe the more we focus and discuss an issue with the Lord, the more clarity we will receive regarding the Lord's Will.

Author's Notes

There were and are times that "troubled waters" enter our life. These can be Satan motivated or be a result of living in this world of secular and Christian conflict. Regardless of what causes the problem, the problem exist. These problems left unresolved can effect our lives and our faith in God. It is these times that Christians and non-Christians should seek God for assistance.

I wrote 52 Weeks because there are problems that cannot be solved with one day of reflection. 52 Weeks focuses on a problem for 7 days; 1 week. For 52 different topics, selected verses are presented and analysed in terms of belief and faith in God's wisdom and help. Each week reveals verses that verifies God's understanding of the issue at hand and builds one faith from His statements regarding the issue. I believe focusing on a situation for an extended period of time with God will embolden the spirit. I read 52 Weeks when I have need the Lords help with difficulty in my life. I know that anyone can benefit from the Words of God's wisdom. 

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Genre: Non Fiction > Religion and Spirituality

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ISBN: 9781973629528

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