Valentina Marie is a natural born healing facilitator, Ordained Minister, Dr. of Divinity, Dr. of Metaphysics, Reiki Master, Spiritual Teacher, Intuitive, and Christ Medium. She specializes and is a Certified Therapeutic Massage Therapist, Reflexologist, Artist, Musician/Song Writer/Singer, and Author. She was guided to start a Reiki Clinic called The Soul Intention, LLC in 2009 to provide an Alternative, yet holistic and metaphysical way for the release of stress, pain, tension and emotional trauma for healing on all levels of Consciousness.
Valentina Marie wrote The Truth Within; Book of Light & Love by guidance of Mother Goddess and Father God, through automatic writing, to help her fellow lightworkers, empaths, indigos, Crystal children, etc. to stay in the Grace of our Universal Creator, Abba or "Christ" and "Sophia", while living as a human Avatar upon planet Earth.
We are the Christs & We are the Shining Ones.