Sara Gibbons has been a natural health practitioner and lifestyle strategist for over 20 years, successfully helping hundreds of clients improve and move on in their lives. She has a degree in sociology, and extensive training, experience and qualifications in counselling, nutrition and personal development. Along the way she has learned a variety of other healing therapies and disciplines, set up and run her own natural therapy centre, and worked at a Spa and Retreat in Central France.
Born and bred in North London, Sara has also lived in and worked in the Midlands and the North of the UK. Now in Norfolk she is delighted to be fulfilling a lifelong dream to live close to the sea. She decided it was time to share her knowledge, knowing that the solutions she brings to her writing are also born of personal experience. There are plans to follow her first book, Rise Again After Divorce, with others in a Help Your Cellves Empowerment series on health, work, and more…