The words of Jesus have guided Rev. Terry Allan Christian through out his life.
Since dedicating his life to Jesus in his early childhood, he’s been reading the red lettered version of the Gospels as recorded in the NLT & NKJV Bible. He primarily concentrates on the “words of Jesus” and the example of His actions. Personally, he will tell you that his acceptance of Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior has been pivotal in carrying him “safely” through all his life challenges.
He’s a former Inspirational Speaker and Executive Trainer with over 20 years experience giving more than 2,500 presentations to private and public audiences across America and Canada.
Several years ago Terry retired as a public speaker, after feeling the Holy Spirit redirecting his life. While in prayer, he was told to create a book containing only the “words of Jesus”. A book that would teach “Believers”, without interpretations, opinions or commentary. It would take him 12 years to complete the book - “What Did Jesus Say . . . The Seven Messages from the Master”.
Today, he leads Foundations for Life Ministries and lives in Atlantic Beach, Florida, where he counsels individuals and couples seeking a more mature understanding of their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Reverend Christian believes his calling is to help his brothers and sisters in Christ live in a never-ending state of love, truth and forgiveness as followers of Jesus Christ. He says after "repentance", this was the main message Jesus taught; and teaching the way by the word is the cornerstone on which his book and ministry is founded.