I was born and raised in Upstate NY and continue to live here with my family. I started to write stories when I was 12 years old. At the age of 16, I began writing songs since I was hoping to play in a band eventually. However, most of the songs I wrote never became anything. I went to college at Jefferson Community College and took courses in writing while obtaining my Liberal Arts Degree. I then went on to SUNY Oswego College and ended up working toward a major in writing. It wasn't too long into college that I figured that I didn't really need a degree in order to write so I stopped going. By this time, most of my writings were poems and short stories. For a couple years afterwards, I self-produced a magazine called Desert Cry Magazine which is now unavailable.
In 2005, I began to place ideas for my first novel, "Conspiracy of Deception." It would be seven years later before I would decide to self-publish the book. I began on a second book called "The Experiment" in 2007 and released it in 2012, the same year I released "Conspiracy of Deception." Since then, I have changed the name from "The Experiment" to "Prelude to Ragnarok.” I put together a book of poems and released it under the title of "Joyous Melancholy." So far, all of my writings have been self-published.
I enjoy the outdoors and doing such things as going on long walks, camping, hiking, rollerblading, canoeing, swimming, etc.