Hello I am Mary Jane Humes - bibliophile and now published author. I grew up without TV but with a lot of books! I love to read and I prefer hard copies to e-books, but that is just my personal preference. I love to write and am in the process of carving out more time to do so. When I am not writing, or working as a virtual assistant online, you can find probably me reading (surprise!) or doing something else other than cleaning my house!
Being a Christian, I write to encourage and instruct others in their daily Christian life. I dreamed of becoming an author but didn't know how or what to write about. But when I started to teach a child's Sunday school at my church and my teaching attracted an adult lady, I realized that there was a need for what I was teaching. At that time I was teaching about the life of King David from the Bible. I wanted to both teach about his life and also apply what the Bible said about him to modern day Christians.