Spiritual Ark: The Enchanted Journey Of Timeless Quotations

My very special Spiritual Ark, now coming to all whom are but seeking her. She has been blessed with my four original books of quotations woven into one new book. All pages have been individually designed one by one. The cover designed for her name, an invisible ark with an invisible time machine talking about the enchanted journey of timeless quotations. Hold on to this book as a blessing from the enchanted words. May all spiritual souls find within themselves the solace to complete this peaceful awakening. I am a blessed person who knows I must change myself first for all of whom but are touched by my words shall hold hands in union. For it is then, this one world bridged through the union of different hands across this globe, shall be in peace and harmony through the blessed journey of words. She has now taken birth as a Spiritual Ark: The Enchanted Journey Of Timeless Quotations.

Author's Notes

All of my fans, know I love you and am on this journey only to bring joy to anyone who is but lonely and has nothing but tears as a companion. May my words be there for you today and all whom need her for eternity. All my blessings be upon all of you whom but need a prayer today. Blessings from Seattle.

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Genre: Non Fiction > Inspirational

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